Advocates for Trans Equality
Imagining a brighter future for the trans community
Advocates for Trans Equality was founded in 2024 when the National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE) and the Transgender Legal Defense and Education Fund (TLDEF)—two longtime champions of the trans community—merged. Leveraging decades of experience on the frontlines of power, A4TE fights for the legal and political rights of transgender people in America. In a time of increasingly extreme rhetoric and legislation targeting trans people and their allies, A4TE works tirelessly to protect and expand the freedom to live one’s life fully, joyfully, and without barriers.
Giorgia Lupi and her team at Pentagram developed the brand positioning, naming, and brand identity for the newly integrated organization, helping to establish A4TE as a credible leader within the LGBTQ+ movement. Decimal collaborated with Pentagram to design the organization’s web presence, which provides an overview of the organization’s work, as well as essential resources for trans individuals, their families, and communities.
While developing the site, we sought to convey a wealth of information while ensuring an accessible and intuitive user experience. We explored a range of content architectures, eventually deciding—with the input of A4TE—to incorporate an “Issues” tab into the site navigation, helping users to identify key concerns and essential resources. We also developed a robust search functionality, with suggested tags and key filters that allow users to sort results according to their interests.
Alfredo Gago
Cherif Zouein
Christopher Harrison
Kirsten Holland
Kelly Murphy
Kevin Blanco
Guillermo Brotons
Pablo Quiros
Ronald Aguilar
Giorgia Lupi
Abby Matousek
Ed Ryan
Julia Saimo
Madeleine Garner
Phillip Cox
Zach Scheinfeld
Allyson Kapin
Brandie Balken
Jacob McClain
Jami Westerhold
Jared Seltzer
Jonathan Adams
Kristin Johnson
Leroy Thomas
Maxwell Scales