Querdenken Everything

Untruths and consequences

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Decimal’s second collaboration with Long Lead, a story studio focused on finding, funding, producing, and publishing original, in-depth journalism, chronicles the tales of COVID-skeptics resisting Germany’s public health measures and ultimately storming the Reichstag in Berlin in August of 2020.

The story of that day and its consequences — told through Darren Loucaides’ immersive reporting and haunting illustrations by Jun Cen, is presented in a captivating 3D experience that captures the true tale of misinformation, its causes and effects.

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Down the rabbit hole 

Using WebGL, we designed an immersive experience intended to make users lose their sense of time and space. The 3-D spiral conveys how disorienting the stories are and how easily the subjects fall into chaos. To reorient the reader, we provided color coding to identify the stories of the two main characters.

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Connecting the dots

Beyond navigating the story using the main spiral, we also designed an index where dots act as windows into different parts of the story. This allows readers to see a content overview as well as access the distinct, but connected, parts of the story.

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  • Alex Muñoz
  • Cherif Zouein
  • Guillermo Brotons

Web Development

  • Cuchillo


  • Jun Cen


  • Jordan Bruner


  • Darren Loucaides

Long Lead

Adriana Lacy

Alessio Perrone

Andrew Green

Bridget Botelho

Charles Denniston

Charlotte Rymar

Dan Eisner

John Patrick Pullen

Natalie Matutschovsky

EJ Fox